Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So many times as an Organizer I am asked what is the best way to sort your mail, well I am not going to say this is the "best" way but it is certainly the "easiest" way and it is how I have been doing my own mail for years...there are many other options but this is by far the quickest and easiest way I know to deal with your mail; here are the steps to follow:

1. CHECK YOU MAIL DAILY; or at the minimum every other day, make it a habit to get your mail at the same time each day, say after work or in the evening after your nightly walk (hint, hint); maybe have the kids get it for you after school and put it on the counter for you to check when you walk in the door.

2. SORT IT IMMEDIATELY; once you get your mail, stand over the trash can and sort out the junk mail right away, THROW AWAY all the ads and coupons that you know you will not use, it there are fliers and coupons you will use make a place for them in a folder or coupon organizer where you will know to find them when you need them. (hint: I have a folder that I keep in my car with coupons so I will always have them with me while I am out, since I don't always know when I might stop for a bite to eat or be near a store that I have to get something, then I glance through the folder and pick them out)

3. OPEN UP ALL YOUR MAIL AT ONCE; have a certain area where you regularly "process" your mail, if it is at a desk or standing at your kitchen counter, make it a habit by always doing it in the same place, put a letter opener in that space and open up all your mail at once, read personal letters of items of interest right away and then file them if it is something you wish to keep or just throw them away; if it is something you need to respond to put it in your "in box" or add it to your calendar so that you do it. However, if it is a bill but DO NOT take it out of the envelope (that step is next)

4. MARK YOUR BILLS; once you have opened the bill with your letter opener simply peak inside without removing the contents and write on the outside of the mailing envelope the DATE, and AMOUNT DUE on the bill then put them in a mail sorter, bill file or simple container where you can stand them up and see the date due; put your stamps and checkbook there as well, so when you are ready to pay the item you will have it all together.

5. PUT ASIDE ANY OTHER FLIERS or lesser important items you "wish" to read next to your favorite chair where you will sit regularly and make another habit of "reading" through your mail. I put mine next to my massaging chair where I sit every night and watch tv. I glace through the store fliers and read all the articles that interest me, then I throw them away; if for some reason you are unable to read the mail that night, you may keep it for just TWO days, if you haven't read it by then you must PITCH IT!!! So, the caution here is to make sure you read through it, do not let it pile up, just go through it every couple of days if you can't read it by then it is okay, it is not the end of the world, they are just fliers and sales if you haven't read them by then the sale is probably going to be over before you get to it anyway. Remember you have already processed your IMPORTANT stuff immediately, this is just the "wish" pile you would like to read if you have a chance, so if you don't get the chance, don't sweat is not worth the sweat, just throw it away! There will be more to follow, don't worry!!!

I hope this helps you, if you would like to know more or have any questions or would like some suggestions regarding your mail, please feel free to view my VIDEO TIP OF THE WEEK on my website at or email me at:


Sherry Drolet